Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trade 3

The market's Pavlovian response to today's announcement that the Fed was considering sterilized QE is a bit silly.  As such I shorted, but got stopped out.  Bad place to get stopped.

Short ES @ 1349, stopped @ 1354.  Loss of 6.45%.

Reentered short ES at 1352.75.  Entered Short EUR/USD at 1.3148.  Will probably enter a short silver (maybe copper?) position today/tomorrow as a hedge against a strong NFP.


  1. I've missed some good opportunities by not going with by gut and balls (silver and copper over the last week, that I had been closely watching). I hope I'm not now trying to compensate by entering trades prematurely, but I think uncertainty over whether the Greek PSI goes through will be enough to make a small profit in the next 24 hours or so.

  2. Exited positions with small gains, not worth updating PSFI index.
