Saturday, March 19, 2011

Risking victory for appearances...thanks Obama, way to earn that Nobel Peace Prize

Mig-23's are already falling from the sky.  I imagine the French are already working on plans to surrender, lol.  I joke.  Go France!, kick some ass. 
Get this: coalition aircraft, including a French carrier, are just now moving to the Mediterranean.  How is this possible?  This is negligence bordering on incompetence on the part of Obama; this should have been done before the UN vote so we could begin to be effective on a moment's notice.  Now it will be days before we can effectively stop the movement of Qadaffi's military, which has already begun to move in to Beghazi and other rebel-held cities.  Good luck getting them out now without ground troops. 
Obama is risking victory to try and accomplish change.  What change?  To not be seen as an imperial power.  Using the U.N., pretending its the French and Arab League who are leading this, is all a bit disingenuous.  Nothing happens without the inclination, approval, and support of the United States.  Period.  We are what we are, and if we weren't, we would have watched videos of thousands of Libyans slaughtered weeks ago.  President Obama risks victory in an attempt to pretend the United States doesn't have an interest in maintaining world peace.  The U.N. can't do it, the Europeans won't do it, even if they could.  If the U.S. didn't dominate the world, the Russians, Iranians, Chinese and others would quickly take the opportunity to increase their regional dominance; the only thing preventing major superstates from developing (a la WWII Germany, Japan, USSR, etc) is the United States maintaining regional balances of power throughout the world.  They are the real imperialists -- restrained only by a more powerful quasi-imperial United States.  Wake up, world.
Well, we'll see where oil opens on Sunday night.  Will Qaddafi solidify control by then?  Will he be pushed back, and if so, will he sabotage his oil wells?  Will he ask for a cease fire again and prove he wants it by pulling his troops back?  Will the coalition attacks (which don't really seem to be coordinated) just start ramping up?  Realistically, nothing will affect world supply and demand, but it will contribute to the $15-$20/barrel speculative premium.  Let's see if get a margin call on Monday...

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